Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Discovery for Credit

Still considering the Dive In field course?  This is a great opportunity for educational enrichment, experience, and adventure. There are three levels of participation for the Dive In program for you to consider.

1. Go on the Trip - This is a fabulous educational experience.  The cost of the trip includes all travel, food, lodging, and educational expenses as described in the Trip Letter.  Participants will come home with amazing pictures, stories, and scientific insight.  Students have used their experiences to advance their understanding and applications of classroom material, write college application essays, enhance resumes, decide future careers or areas of study, and to build confidence and self-esteem.

2. Earn HS Science Credit - In addition to the trip you can do some pre- and post-travel coursework to earn HS credit.  There are two ways to do this:

     Option 1: Independent Study through BHS (0.5 credits) - You can develop your own course with the help of a faculty adviser (Mrs. Sutterlin and/or Mr. Cheney).  Together you will create an appropriate pre-trip and post-trip curriculum.  This curriculum will include a formal research paper (based on your area of interest), a presentation based on your research, and activity which you will lead with a group of peers (this is designed to take place during the trip).  The research and presentation/activity development will take place during the school day as part of your BHS schedule in the Spring of 2014.  Student work will be awarded a letter grade based on the BHS grading system.  Applications are due to the Administration by May 1, 2013.  Forms are available in the Guidance Office.  See a faculty adviser for more information.
     Option 2: WorldStrides Discovery for Credit HS course (1.0 credit) - You will follow an online curriculum developed by WorldStrides.  The coursework includes assigned readings, online discussions, assignments (may be written, video, audio, photographs, etc.), and quizzes.  Students will work with a WorldStrides adviser throughout this course.  Online discussions will include students from all over the country participating in the same program at the same time.  Students have six months from the travel date to complete the online coursework.  Completion of the designated coursework will result in a transcript from WorldStrides for 1 HS credit.  Student work will be graded on a standard letter system.  Students can apply for Credit Flex (click HERE for the application) to have this credit added to their BHS transcript. Please submit applications to the administration as soon as possible.  Click HERE to see the course syllabus.  Click HERE for a preview of the online coursework.  There is no additional cost for this option.

3. Earn College Credit (1 or 3 credits)- To further enhance your travel experience, WorldStrides has partnered with Colorado State University to offer an online college course directly related to the Dive In program titled "BIO 105: Leadership in Environmental Studies: Florida and Costa Rica."  Students will work with a WorldStrides adviser throughout this course.  Click HERE for the detailed course syllabus.  There is an additional fee for this option.

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