Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Important Travel Details

Thank you to everyone who attended last night's meeting.  Please review the recap below.  These are all very important.

1. Behavior Expectations - The pink page includes a list of clear behavior expectations for each student while on the trip.  Please remember that while traveling we are representatives of our families and Bay Village, OH.  I have no concerns and am so excited to travel with this wonderful group of students.  Thank you in advance for being awesome!

2. Packing List - World Strides has put together a comprehensive but restricted packing list that is an excellent guide for this trip.  A few extra notes:
   a. Because we are flying please make sure that all of your toiletries (liquids like shampoo, conditioner, liquid make-up, soaps, etc.) are in travel size (3.4 oz or less) and all contained in a single 1 quart ziplock bag.
   b. Bring plenty of high SPF sunscreen!  (30+ SPF) - NOT tanning lotion
   c. Hair dryers, flat irons, curling irons etc. will not be needed (sorry girls) - between very full and busy days and being in the water and/or humid air there will not be time or much point to styling your hair.  You will want to just pull it back.
   d. Bring a few extra ziplock bags (sandwich and 1 gallon size) - they are very handy for keeping things dry and for storing wet clothes.

3. Luggage - There is a $25 fee each way for checked baggage.  If you cannot fit all of your belongings into a carry-on and a small backpack then please consider sharing a checked bag with a roommate or two.  This way you can share the cost.  Carry-on Luggage dimensions are 14 x 9 x 22 inches.
Important:  All luggage (checked, carry-on, and personal items) will be searched by Ms. Mowery and Mrs. Sutterlin and loaded into Ms. Mowery's car on Monday, April 21 at 7:00 pm at Bay High School. We will make sure that there is no contraband, unnecessary items, or items that should be checked in carry-on bages, etc.  We will make sure that each bag is properly tagged, labeled, and attach colored ribbons for easy identification.  Ms. Mowery and I will bring all of your bags to the airport. 

4. Medications - Please complete both the World Strides Emergency Medical Release (white) and the Student Medications Inventory (neon).  I will also make a copy of your BHS Emergency Medical Forms.  These forms will be collected on April 21st during the luggage search/check-in.  All medications (OTC and Rx) will need to be recorded on the inventory, stored in their original container, labeled with your name, and contained in a single ziplock bag.  I will match your bag of meds to the inventory and medical forms during luggage check-in.  Parents: Please indicate on the neon form who is responsible for administering each medication.  Please contact me if you have any questions.

5. Food - If you have any specific food allergies, intolerance, or preferences (vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free, etc.) please let me know.  I need to let World Strides know of these in advance so that they can make accommodations where needed.  So far I am aware of 2 vegetarians (Josh and Emma).  If there are any others, please let me know ASAP.

6. Waivers - The thick white packet from World Strides contains the permission forms and waivers for all of our trip adventures.  Every page requires signatures.  I will witness all forms on the flight.  This packet can be turned in anytime (no later than April 21st at luggage check in).  

7. Itinerary - This is for your records.  All flight, hotel, and daily activity information is provided.  Our main activities/adventures are in bold.  Get excited - this is going to be a great trip!

8. Blog AssignmentsEach student pulled an activity/adventure from the box.  It will be your assignment to pay extra close attention during this activity so that you can write up a short summary of what we did, learned, and loved.  Each evening we will post your summaries (along with a few pictures) to the blog to share with our families back home.  This will also be a great resource for those of you completing online coursework.

9. T-shirts - The group decided to make a group t-shirt as a memento and so that it is easier to stay as a group during our flights.  Students, we will be meeting during QRP next week to pick a color and design.  I wrote passes at the meeting.  (If Tuesday's 3/18 QRP is cancelled for OGT make-up, then we will meet at Thursday's QRP 3/20).  This will be the only meeting and a final decision will be made.  Please come with some ideas.  I expect the cost will be $10-12 per shirt and will let you know as soon as I get a quote.  

Again, thank you for attending last night's meeting.  It was great to see everyone.  I hope you are as excited as I am!  Please feel free to contact me anytime with questions or concerns.  

​Adventure on . . .​ :)